Hello all again! Weeks just get faster and faster and faster! Like
this week June is already half way done! Its crazy how time passes. Everyone
says that the first 6 months are the slowest then the next 6 are faster then the
last year is just a slide. I compare it to a water slide. The first 6 months of
this mission are like waiting in the line for a water slide. Just slow. Excited
but just want to switch lines already cause you don't like wasting the time when
there are other slides to ride but then you get to the top finally (latter 6th
months part of the year) and are about 3 people behind from sliding. Still
nervous cause you don't now what to expect but you can see that this slide has
made everyone else down at the bottom want to ride it again but you still have
doubts. Then I think you get to the 1 year mark and that's when the line
conductor says "alright you can go" you still are just scared nervous excited
and just take that final breath and kinda scoot to the edge of the slide until
you drop! that's what I feel like the mission is! So I’m close to the final
Does that seem like a fair comparison??
But anyway this week has been pretty good.
Angelo- .... yeah.... hes been giving us excuses every night that he's busy.
I’ve been praying for him that he'll have at least one night open were we can
finish teaching him the RESTORATION!! The most important part! So hopefully this
week na lang!
ALOTA FAMILY- They didn't come to church. We stopped by Thursday the usual
time they tell us to come by and only the daughter in law was there. She told us
to come back on Sunday same time when everyone should be back or home. So Sunday
we went there and only the son and his wife were there. They are actually moving
this week like 4 hour walk into the Bukkid so probably wont see them again :(
but we taught them about the plan of salvation and they enjoyed our message.
Hopefully sometime they can accept our message. I feel like we planted a seed
and now down the road they'll be ready to accept!
Sis Maurine- Sis Maurine is actually from a very small indian country.
Starts with an A. I cant pronounce it. She has lived in Bug-ang for 19 years now
cause she moved here for work with her sister, met here husband in Manilla and
now lives in Bug-ang. She is fluent in like 7 languages. Cebuano, illongo,
english, indian, portugues, and I think one other. Her English isn't that great
but she understands. I actually tried teaching her in English but my mind would
just flip over in illongo. Kinda weird. She said she wants to get baptized but
her family is against mormons. She said the most Humble Prayer at the end of
the lesson. just thanking the lord for sending us to help her get closer to
Him. I definitely feel like this is an "elect"! We have a meeting with her
tuesday so hopefully everything goes good!!
So its kinda back to Square one with finding but its alright cause its fun
to find new people and hope that the except us! This is Elder Delos Santos last
week then transfers next week so hopefully he just works hard with me and doesn't
become to trunkie! haha but I got faith in him!!
Well family that is my update for this week!
I sent some good pictures and am taking more! so be happy and cherish my
face! haha!
Know that i love you and miss you all! not much else to say besides that!
The Church is TRUE people. The Book of Mormon is true. remember the words
of Jeffery R. Hollands Grandfather:
"No evil man could write such and book and no good man would write such a
book, unless he were called of God."
I know that is true!
Love you all!
Elder Sargent!
after we stopped by a little resturant that has a real american taste. the
pizza and hamburger were great then to top it off i had a chocolate banana
shake!! PERPECTO!!!
zone pictures
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